The DorkWeb had the chance to sit down with some friends and take a stab at Horrified, a board game about a bunch of peasants rising up against monsters.
Horrified stars all of your favorite classic monsters as the villains…well almost all of them

How It Plays:
Horrified is a cooperative game that can be played alone or with up to 5. We imagine you’d have the best time with 3-4 players. The object of the game is to defeat each of the monsters in play by fulfilling specific requirements detailed on the monster’s card. Usually this involves collecting a certain number of handily color coded items and interacting in specific points on the game board. Simple enough. This is augmented by unique player characters with special abilities (like the ability to teleport…I didn’t get it either) and a monster deck that generates items on the board as well as an event that may help or hinder the players.

What We Thought:
We finished our first game of Horrified in just about an hour. That’s pretty good considering only one of us had ever played it before. There should be no problems introducing and teaching this game at your next board game night. As far as Horrified’s content goes, there’s enough there between unique characters and different monsters, and again they all play differently. The only major downsides we saw were that winning conditions and monster set-up are always the same, meaning anyone who puts enough time into this game will be able to dispatch monsters quickly and with ease. Though it must be mentioned that the miniatures, board art, and cards are genuinely fantastic. I wouldn’t go into this game expecting deep strategy and multi-hour games, but it’s certainly something I’d enjoy playing again. Purchase here