Gencon Exclusive Warhammer 40K Raffle


Hey everyone!

First off, we’re very excited to announce the first episode of our podcast has been completed and is in the publishing process as we speak! It’ll be available on all major podcast apps including Apple Podcasts, Overcast, and more. Looking for it? Just search ‘The DorkWeb’.

With that being said, lets get to the fun: free stuff!

While at Gencon Evan and I were able to procure not one, or two, but three con exclusive miniatures. I’m thrilled to say that these are not for us. That’s right, these are for our listeners and fans!

Lets take a look at what we have:

Praetor in Cataphractii Terminator Armour

Traitor Librarian in Cataphractii Terminator Armour

Retro Land Speeder

If you’re interested in entering the raffle shoot us an email at

More info to come on exact dates, it’ll depend on how fast the entries come in!

Until next time!

– J-Lo