Putting the Skeletons away

Hello friends!

Another quick update here. As you may have already seen, our Halloween special is now out. Evan and I had a ton of fun recording it and I hope everyone enjoys listening to it!

This month had been a whirlwind of comics and media coverage for us here at the DorkWeb, but we haven’t forgotten about you tabletop and war gaming fans! While it has been a spooky October for some, for others its been a radical Orktober.

Evan and I have been hard at work in between recording, getting my Deathguard army fully painted, and getting him the Orks he deserves. In our next episode, and leading up, we hope to show you guys some of the cool things that we’ve been putting together. For now, here’s a peek at my nearly finished Rhino.

Otherwise we finally received some of the games we played at Gencon. First up, Doomseeker!

Stay tuned for our full impressions and more soon!