Hello, again

Dang, it’s been a little bit since the last time we updated the site!

Well first;
Hello, again viewers, listeners, friends, and followers.

I decided to post today and give a little update to what Evan and I have been up to.

As we near the arrival of spring, we’ve almost completed painting our respective Warhammer: 40000 armies (Orks for Evan and Deathguard for me). We’re hoping to refine our play skills so that we can start attending tournaments and actually show off some of the cool kitbashes and paint jobs we’ve done.

Over the course of the last 3 months we’ve also accumulated quite the number of boardgames waiting to be played. As soon as we can get the people together, we’ll play through as many of these as we can and add another entry to our From the Tabletop series.

In addition to our impressions on tabletop games, we finally have a solid group of people to begin playing Warhammer 40,000 Role-play: Wrath and Glory. We promised a Warhammer roleplay quite a while ago, and in-fact our first episode was partially interviews with the team behind the game. There will inevitably be a little time for the other players to feel out the game system, but we’ll be recording sessions soon…

There’s been a lot of discussion lately about how we could deliver content more consistently and in the best format. Evan and I are still having this conversation everyday, so we’re far from settled on the matter, but there’s the possibility that you’ll be seeing and hearing from us more and also more consistently, just in smaller bite sized chunks. Stay tuned for additional updates soon!

As some of you may have already noticed, Billy hasn’t been in many of our recent episodes. Billy is an amazingly talented musician who has also amassed a detailed knowledge of silver age comic history. It was a pleasure being able to work with Billy as frequently as we were at the start, but right now he’s putting all his energy into his music. (You can thank Billy for our intro and outro on the podcast) That being said, if we’re lucky we might still be able to pick his brain on a few topics (Doom Patrol, anyone?).
It is also painfully clear that with Billy’s comic history knowledge out of the conversation, our podcast episodes tend to lean more towards the gaming and media side of geek culture. Evan and I are engaged in a search to find the right comic expert to join us, so we may not have a new partner in crime anytime soon. Until then we’re going to do our damndest to cover the absolutely imperative.

Whew, that was more than I expected. Despite how bad we are at keeping this site current, we do have a lot of things in the oven!(So to speak, there’s nothing in your oven unless you put it there)

Thats about all I have for right now! Please feel free to drop us a line by email if you have any suggestions or just want to chat, we love hearing from everyone!
